Latest Education Technology

Education Technology

Basically the word technology comes from the Greek word "Techne" which means craft or art. Another word "technique” can be used when considering the field Educational technology. So we can say that Educational technology is techniques of the educator.

We need tools that might prove helpful in advancing student learning. Technology can be material object such as hardware, machines. But Technology in Education means that advance tools which is required in learning. We need latest technology in education. Educations Technology can be helpful in explore ideas of education system.

In other words technology is any valid and reliable process which is derived from basic research using the scientific method can be considered as technology. Educational technology can also be called Human Performance Technology so Human Performance Technology based on algorithmic processes but neither necessarily implies physical technology.

Educational Technologist is that person who transforms basic educational research into the technology of learning or instruction. Educational Technologists typically have a graduate degree, Master’s, Doctorate, Ph.D., or D.Phil.

Hypermedia technology is major advance in the development of educational tools to enhance learning and a massive literature on the use of hypermedia in education the. Review categorizes this research into three themes

1) studies of learner comprehension compared across hypermedia
2) effects on learning outcome offered by increased learner control in hypermedia environments
3) individual differences that exist in learner responses to hypermedia

Benefits of hypermedia in education are limited to learning tasks reliant on repeated manipulation and searching of information and are differentially distributed across learners depending on their ability and preferred learning.

In the area of assessment, technology itself is almost never the major issue when evaluating technology. So primary attention should be paid to how technology is used by students and teachers to affect the quality and degree of learning and what are the learning outcomes result from these uses. Focus on evaluation of technology applications for example the details of the technical arrangements, for example: bandwidth, network, distribution of technology and training are necessary components but not sufficient conditions for educational improvement. The sufficient condition is student learning.